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Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference
Stephens' Visual Basic Programming 24-Hour Trainer
Stephens' C# Programming with Visual Studio 2010 24-Hour Trainer
Beginning Database Design Solutions
WPF Programmer's Reference
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's Reference

Title Keywords  
Tip: Database Programming With MSDEdatabase programming, ADO, MSDE, Access, SQL Server 


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use DAO to make a database lookup tableDAO, database, lookup, tableDownload
HowTo: Join two tables in different databasesADO, ADOX, join, databasesDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use combo boxes and text boxes to let the user pick search criteria for a database query in Visual Basic 6database, DataGridView, DataTable, DataAdapter, OleDbDataAdapter, data adapter, bind, DataSet, Visual Basic 6, VB 6Download
Tip: Use ADOX to make a database without leaving the database files lockedVisual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, ADO, ADOX, create database, make database, file locking, .ldb file 
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the table columns in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic .NETADOX, Access, database, table, column, table columns, search columns, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the table columns in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic 6ADOX, Access, database, table, column, table columns, search columns, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the tables in an Access database and give their types in Visual Basic .NETADOX, Access, database, table, table type, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the queries in an Access database and give their command text in Visual Basic .NETADOX, Access, database, query, command text, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the queries in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic .NETADOX, Access, database, query, command text, search query, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the queries in an Access database and give their command text in Visual Basic 6ADOX, Access, database, query, command text, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the queries in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic 6ADOX, Access, database, query, command text, search query, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the tables in an Access database and give their types in Visual Basic 6ADOX, Access, database, table, table type, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Use an ALTER TABLE statement to change a column's data type in an Access database in Visual Basic 6ALTER TABLE, database, ADO, Access, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Use ADO to insert records into a database when fields contain quotesADO, database, insert, quotesDownload
HowTo: Use a INSERT INTO statement in ADO to copy data from one table into two existing tablesADO, data, database, INSERT, INSERT INTO, copy dataDownload
HowTo: Use a SELECT INTO statement in ADO to copy data from one table into two new tablesADO, data, database, SELECT, SELECT INTO, copy dataDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to get and set the description of a column in an Access databaseADOX, ADO, column description, AccessDownload
HowTo: Use ADO to add and drop columns from a databasedatabase, data, ADODownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to add and drop columns from a databasedatabase, data, ADO, ADOXDownload
HowTo: Make a class that manages arrays retrieved by calling Recordset.GetRowsRecordset, GetRows, arrayDownload
HowTo: Connect an ADO Recordset to an XML file located at a URLADO, Recordset, XML, URL, Web, data, AccessDownload
HowTo: Save an ADO Recordset's data into an XML fileADO, Recordset, XML, URL, Web, data, AccessDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to get lots of information about an Access databaseADOX, information, database, AccessDownload
HowTo: Create and invoke a stored procedure in an Access databasestored procedure, Access, database, Download
HowTo: Count the records in a Recordset two ways and compare their speedsrecords, count records, ADODownload
HowTo: Determine how many records were inserted by an INSERT ... SELECT statementADO, data, database, Access, INSERT, INSERT SELECT, SELECT, records, INSERT INTO ... SELECTDownload
HowTo: Let the user search a recordset using a ComboBoxComboBox, database, ADO, Recordset, searchDownload
HowTo: Load and sort a CSV file by using ADOCSV, sort, ADO, database, dataDownload
HowTo: Open a password-protected Access database with ADOADO, database, data, password, AccessDownload
HowTo: Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheetADO, Access, Excel, databaseDownload
HowTo: Validate a user name/password in a databasepassword, cryptography, databaseDownload
HowTo: Display data from a database in a ListView controlListView, database, ADODownload
HowTo: Load internationalization data from a resource file with a single string tabledatabase, internationalization, language, resource fileDownload
HowTo: Load internationalization data from a resource file with multiple string tablesdatabase, internationalization, language, resource fileDownload
HowTo: Load internationalization strings from a databasedatabase, internationalization, languageDownload
HowTo: Use a database to build Web pages using different templatesdatabase, ADO, Web, HTML, templateDownload
HowTo: Copy data from an Access database into an Excel spreadsheet using a SQL SELECT statementADO, Access, Excel, databaseDownload
HowTo: Make an HTML page showing an Access database's structureADO, database, structure, schema, OpenSchemaDownload
HowTo: Connect a DataReport to an ADO RecordsetDataReport, ADO, RecordsetDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to create a databasedatabase, ADOX, create databaseDownload
HowTo: Execute an ad hoc query using ADO and display the results in a griddatabase, ado, query, SQL, ad hoc queryDownload
HowTo: Let the user specify fields to select from a database using ADOdatabase, ado, query, SQL, ad hoc query, connectionlessDownload
HowTo: Bind controls to an Access 2000 database using the ADO Data Control (ADODC)bound control, database, data, ADO, ADODCDownload
HowTo: Use a Recordset to copy data from an Access database into an Excel workbookADO, Access, Excel, databaseDownload
HowTo: Copy data from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access databaseADO, Access, Excel, databaseDownload
HowTo: Load ComboBox and ListBox controls from a database using ADOComboBox, ListBox, load, initialize, ADO, database, dataDownload
HowTo: Import SQL Server data into an Access databaseADO, import, SQL ServerBook
HowTo: Execute ad hoc SQL scripts with ADObuild database, DB, ADO, SQL, ad hoc, query, scriptDownloadBook
HowTo: Use a database to build a Web pagedatabase, ADO, Web, HTMLDownloadBook
HowTo: Build an Access database and a table with records using ADOXbuild database, DB, ADO, ADOX, make table, AccessDownloadBook
HowTo: Join tables in two different databases using an ADO joinADO, join, two databases, multiple databasesDownload
HowTo: Make a class that manages arrays retrieved by calling Recordset.GetRowsRecordset, GetRows, arrayDownload
HowTo: Use ADO to page through records 10 at a timeADO, CREATE TABLE, database, pageDownloadBook
HowTo: Use ADO to create a database tableADO, CREATE TABLE, databaseDownloadBook
HowTo: Use ADO to display SQL Server tables and records in a TreeView controlADO, SQL Server, databaseDownloadBook
HowTo: Use ADO to list database tables and their records in a TreeViewADO, database, tables, records, TreeViewDownload
HowTo: Bind TextBoxes to an ADO Recordset at run timeADO, database, bind, data bindingDownload
HowTo: Use ADO to list the tables and fields in a databaseADO, database, tables, fieldsDownload
HowTo: Use ADO to make a database table with default column valuesADO, database, create table, default column valueDownload
HowTo: Use ADO to load data into a FlexGrid controlADO, database, FlexGridDownload
HowTo: Use ADO's GetRows method to quickly load data into an arrayADO, database, load array, fill array, GetRowsDownload
HowTo: Use ADO to populate a ListBox with data valuesADO, database, ListBox, populate, fillDownload
HowTo: Use ADO to get data from a read-only Access databaseADO, Access, database, connect, read-onlyDownload
HowTo: Use ADO to insert records into a databaseADO, database, insertDownload
HowTo: Open an Oracle database using ADOADO, Oracle, database, connectDownload
HowTo: Use ADO to display database tables and records in a TreeView controlADO, TreeView, databaseDownload
HowTo: Use ADO to convert between various database formatsADO, database, Jet, Access, dBase, Paradox, Excel, text files, HTMLDownload
HowTo: Use SQL to copy data from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access databaseADO, Access, Excel, database, SQL 
HowTo: Loop through database records and modify them individuallydatabase, ADO, update, recordsDownload
HowTo: Load data from a database using ADO and display it in a tabbed listdatabase, ADO, tabsDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use combo boxes and text boxes to let the user pick search criteria for a database query in Visual Basic .NETdatabase, DataGridView, DataTable, DataAdapter, OleDbDataAdapter, data adapter, bind, DataSet, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
Visual Basic 2010 Programmer's ReferenceVisual Basic 2010, Visual Studio 2010, programmingBook
HowTo: Execute ad hoc database commands such as CREATE TABLE, INSERT INTO, DROP TABLE, and so forth in Visual Basic .NETdatabase, ADO.NET, OleDb, OLE DB, CREATE TABLE, INSERT INTO, DROP TABLE, execute database commands, connection, command, Visual Basic, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a DataGridView display numbered row headers in Visual Basic .NETDataGridView, row headers, header, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
Visual Basic 2005 with .NET 3.0 Programmer's ReferenceVisual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, .NET Framework 3.0, programmingBook
Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's ReferenceVisual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programmingBook
HowTo: Define a DataSet at design time in Visual Basic 2005DataSet, design time, VB.NET, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Programmatically add a record to a DataSet bound to a DataGrid in Visual Basic 2005DataSet, DataGrid, add record, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Programmatically add a record to a DataSet bound to a DataGridView in Visual Basic 2005DataSet, DataGridView, add record, Visual Basic 2005Download
HowTo: Load a ListView control from a database in Visual Basic .NETListView, load ListView, database, ADO.NET, Access, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Select random records from a database table in Visual Basic .NETdatabase, random records, select records, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Color a column header in a DataGridView in Visual Basic 2005color header, header, DataGridView, VB 2005, databaseDownload
HowTo: Color a DataGridView control's cells dynamically as their data changes in Visual Basic 2005color cell, dynamic, DataGridView, VB 2005, databaseDownload
HowTo: Color specific cells in a DataGridView control in Visual Basic 2005color cells, DataGridView, VB 2005, databaseDownload
HowTo: Verify a username and password in a database in Visual Basic .NETpassword, user name, user id, verify passwoord, database, ADO.NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Make a DataGridView control use a DataTable built at run time in Visual Basic 2005DataGridView, DataTable, VB 2005Download
HowTo: Make a DataGridView control that has its own data source loaded at run time in Visual Basic 2005DataGridView, DataTable, VB 2005Download
Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's ReferenceVisual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, programming 
HowTo: Make a lookup cache using ADO.NET in Visual Basic .NETADO.NET, cache, lookup, lookup table, tableDownload
HowTo: Make a DataTable at run time without a database and bind it to a DataGrid in VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Make a DataSet at run time without using any design time controls in VB .NETDataSet, runtime, database, ADO.NETDownload
HowTo: Update a DataSet that doesn't have primary keys in VB .NETDataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, database, primary keyDownload
HowTo: Bind a DataGrid to a DataTable at run time in VB .NETDataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, databaseDownload
HowTo: Define a relationship between two tables in a DataSet in VB .NETDataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, database, relationshipDownload
HowTo: Display parent and child records in two DataGrid controls in VB .NETDataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, database, relationship, parent/child, master/detailDownload
HowTo: Bind a DataGrid to a DataTable with read-only columns in VB .NETDataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, database, read onlyDownload
HowTo: Bind a DataGrid to a DataSet at run time in VB .NETADO.NET, database, DataGrid, DataSet, bindDownload
HowTo: Bind a CurrencyManager to objects in a collection and use it for navigation in VB .NETCurrencyManager, binding, data binding, VB.NET, DataBindingDownload
HowTo: Bind controls' properties to each other in VB .NETbinding, data binding, VB.NET, DataBinding, properties, propertyDownload
HowTo: Display the data in a DataSet by using as DataGrid control in VB .NETDataSet, DataGrid, VB.NET, data, database, ADO.NETDownloadBook
HowTo: Create records that have an AutoNumber field and find out what the newly created field value is in VB .NETDataSet, VB.NET, data, database, ADO.NET, AutoNumber, Auto Number, AutoIncrementDownloadBook
HowTo: Create a foreign key constraint between two DataTables in VB .NETDataSet, VB.NET, data, database, ADO.NET, foreign key, constraintDownloadBook
HowTo: Use ADO.NET to make an Excel report on an Access database's structure in VB.NETAccess, database, ADO.NET, Excel, index, relation, table, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Load a ListBox from a database query in VB .NETdatabase, VB.NET, ListBox, loadDownload
HowTo: Execute a parameterized query in VB .NETdatabase, VB.NET, parameter, parameterized query, queryDownload
HowTo: Use database transactions in VB .NETtransaction, database, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Bind a ComboBox to a database lookup table in VB .NETdatabase, ADO.NET, VB .NET, bound controls, data binding, ComboBox, lookup tableDownload
HowTo: Bind simple controls to a database in VB .NETdatabase, ADO.NET, VB .NET, bound controls, data bindingDownload
HowTo: Open a database in the project's main directory during development in VB .NETdatabase, ADO.NET, VB .NETDownload
HowTo: Navigate a database with bound controls in VB .NETnavigate, database, bound control, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use a DataGrid in VB.NETVB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NETDownloadBook
HowTo: Get and set a single database value in VB .NETVB .NET, database, update, get, setDownload
HowTo: Create a unique constraint on data in VB.NETVB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NET, unique, constraintDownloadBook
HowTo: Enhance the performance of the ExecuteReader method in ADO .NETSQL Server, database, ExecuteReader, SqlCommand, OleDbCommand, ADO.NETBook
Visual Basic .NET Database ProgrammingADO.NET, VB.NET, database programmingBook
HowTo: Display read-only data from an Access database using ADO.NETVB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NET, Access, read-only dataDownloadBook
HowTo: Display read-only data from an MSDE or SQL Server database using ADO.NETVB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NET, MSDE, SQL Server, read-only dataDownloadBook
HowTo: Use compiled-in data with ADO.NETVB.NET, NET, DataGrid, ADO.NET, inline data, compiled-in dataDownloadBook

SQL Server

Title Keywords  
HowTo: Combine fields in a SELECT statementdatabase, SELECT statement, combineDownload
HowTo: Import SQL Server data into an Access databaseADO, import, SQL ServerBook
Bug: Valid Access dates may overflow in SQL ServerSQL, SQL Server, Access, database, dates, overflow 
Tip: Work safely with Access and SQL Server datesSQL Server, Access, database, dates, delimiter 
Tip: Use email with SQL Serveremail, SQL Server, database 


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Generate CREATE TABLE statements for an Access database in Visual Basic 6CREATE TABLE, SQL, Access, databaseDownload
HowTo: See if a table exists in a DAO database by using an On Error statementDAO, database, table, table existsDownload
HowTo: See if a table exists in a DAO databaseDAO, database, table, table existsDownload
HowTo: Make a lookup cache using ADO.NET in Visual Basic .NETADO.NET, cache, lookup, lookup table, tableDownload
HowTo: Make a lookup cache from a DAO databaseDAO, cache, lookup, lookup table, tableDownload
HowTo: Read properties from a DAO recordsetDAO, recordset, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to make a database lookup tableDAO, database, lookup, tableDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to copy the values in matching fields from one table to anotherDAO, database, field, match, copy, recordDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to copy records from one table to another, remapping source and destination fieldsDAO, database, field, match, copy, record, mapDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to compare tables in two Access databasesDAO, database, compare, DB, Access, tablesDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to compare two Access databases' structureDAO, database, compare, DB, AccessDownload
HowTo: Copy corresponding fields from one table to another in an Access databaseAccess, field, table, copyDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to compact an Access databaseDAO, compact, database, AccessDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to copy data from a CSV file into an Access databaseDAO, CSV, Access, delimited, database, data, SELECTDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to search for a string in database table and field namesdatabase, search, table, field, DAODownload
HowTo: Use DAO to make an Excel report on an Access database's structureAccess, database, DAO, Excel, index, relation, tableDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to list database properties and their valuesDAO, database, property, database property, database propertiesDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to set, get, and delete database propertiesDAO, database, property, database property, database propertiesDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to display a database's structure in a TreeView controldatabase, DAO, structure, TreeViewDownload
HowTo: Compare different methods for using DAO to find recordsdatabase, DAO, index, key, Seek, FindFirstDownload
HowTo: Build an Access database and a table with records using DAObuild database, DB, DAO, make table, AccessDownloadBook
HowTo: Display weekly database data with the calendar controlcalendar, weekly, databaseDownload
HowTo: Use a password protected phone database with DAODAO, password, database, password protected databaseDownload
HowTo: Graph data in a database using MSChartMSChart, graph, database, chartDownload
Bug: DAO sometimes finishes MoveFirst and MoveLast asynchronouslyDAO, MoveFirst, MoveLast, asynchronous 
HowTo: List the tables in a database by using DAOdatabase, table, list tables, DAODownload
HowTo: Import data in columns into a databasedatabase, data, column, column dataDownload
HowTo: Manually import a delimited text file into a databasedatabase, import, delimited fileDownload
HowTo: Export a database file into a text file using DAOdatabase, export, text file, dataDownload
HowTo: Use the Data control with a password protected Access 2000 databaseData control, Access, password, DAODownload
HowTo: Use DAO to add records to a databasedatabase, DAO, add record, insert recordDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to create and delete tablesDAO, database, table, CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLEDownload
HowTo: Join tables in two different databases using linked tablesDAO, ADO, join, two databases, multiple databasesDownload


Title Keywords  
Beginning Database Design SolutionsDatabase Design, Database, MySQL, Access, Microsoft Access, programmingBook
Beginning Database Design SolutionsDatabase Design, Database, MySQL, Access, Microsoft Access, programmingBook
Tip: Use ADOX to make a database without leaving the database files lockedVisual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, ADO, ADOX, create database, make database, file locking, .ldb file 
Tip: Use proper data delimiters for different databasesVisual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, database, delimiter, date, ADO, ADOX, SQL Server, Access, Jet 
HowTo: Create a DataTable with row cell errors, and display it in a DataGridView in Visual Basic .NETDataGridView, DataTable, error, row error, cell error, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Programmatically select an entire row in a DataGrid control in Visual Basic 6DataGrid, select row, data grid, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the table columns in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic .NETADOX, Access, database, table, column, table columns, search columns, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the table columns in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic 6ADOX, Access, database, table, column, table columns, search columns, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the tables in an Access database and give their types in Visual Basic .NETADOX, Access, database, table, table type, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the queries in an Access database and give their command text in Visual Basic .NETADOX, Access, database, query, command text, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the queries in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic .NETADOX, Access, database, query, command text, search query, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the queries in an Access database and give their command text in Visual Basic 6ADOX, Access, database, query, command text, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the queries in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic 6ADOX, Access, database, query, command text, search query, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the tables in an Access database and give their types in Visual Basic 6ADOX, Access, database, table, table type, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Select random records from a database table in Visual Basic .NETdatabase, random records, select records, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Generate CREATE TABLE statements for an Access database in Visual Basic 6CREATE TABLE, SQL, Access, databaseDownload
HowTo: Color a column header in a DataGridView in Visual Basic 2005color header, header, DataGridView, VB 2005, databaseDownload
HowTo: Color a DataGridView control's cells dynamically as their data changes in Visual Basic 2005color cell, dynamic, DataGridView, VB 2005, databaseDownload
HowTo: Color specific cells in a DataGridView control in Visual Basic 2005color cells, DataGridView, VB 2005, databaseDownload
HowTo: Draw certain cells in a DataGrid with different colors in Visual Basic .NETDataGrid, color, cell, colored cell, cutoff, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Format the columns displayed by a DataTable in a DataGrid control in Visual Basic .NETDataTable, column, format, align, alignment, DataGrid, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Display a caption for a DataTable in a DataGrid in Visual Basic .NETDataTable, caption, DataGrid, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: See if a table exists in a DAO database by using an On Error statementDAO, database, table, table existsDownload
HowTo: See if a table exists in a DAO databaseDAO, database, table, table existsDownload
HowTo: Use a INSERT INTO statement in ADO to copy data from one table into two existing tablesADO, data, database, INSERT, INSERT INTO, copy dataDownload
HowTo: Use a SELECT INTO statement in ADO to copy data from one table into two new tablesADO, data, database, SELECT, SELECT INTO, copy dataDownload
HowTo: Make a lookup cache using ADO.NET in Visual Basic .NETADO.NET, cache, lookup, lookup table, tableDownload
HowTo: Make a lookup cache from a DAO databaseDAO, cache, lookup, lookup table, tableDownload
HowTo: Read properties from a DAO recordsetDAO, recordset, propertyDownload
HowTo: Convert an Access database to Access2002Access, Office, Microsoft Office, MS Office, convertDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to make a database lookup tableDAO, database, lookup, tableDownload
HowTo: Update a DataSet that doesn't have primary keys in VB .NETDataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, database, primary keyDownload
HowTo: Bind a DataGrid to a DataTable at run time in VB .NETDataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, databaseDownload
HowTo: Define a relationship between two tables in a DataSet in VB .NETDataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, database, relationshipDownload
HowTo: Display parent and child records in two DataGrid controls in VB .NETDataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, database, relationship, parent/child, master/detailDownload
HowTo: Bind a DataGrid to a DataTable with read-only columns in VB .NETDataGrid, DataTable, bind, ADO.NET, data, database, read onlyDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to copy the values in matching fields from one table to anotherDAO, database, field, match, copy, recordDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to copy records from one table to another, remapping source and destination fieldsDAO, database, field, match, copy, record, mapDownload
HowTo: Bind a DataGrid to a DataSet at run time in VB .NETADO.NET, database, DataGrid, DataSet, bindDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to compare tables in two Access databasesDAO, database, compare, DB, Access, tablesDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to compare two Access databases' structureDAO, database, compare, DB, AccessDownload
HowTo: Connect an ADO Recordset to an XML file located at a URLADO, Recordset, XML, URL, Web, data, AccessDownload
HowTo: Save an ADO Recordset's data into an XML fileADO, Recordset, XML, URL, Web, data, AccessDownload
HowTo: Copy corresponding fields from one table to another in an Access databaseAccess, field, table, copyDownload
HowTo: Store and retrieve an image in an Access databaseAccess, image, picture, memoDownload
HowTo: Bind a CurrencyManager to objects in a collection and use it for navigation in VB .NETCurrencyManager, binding, data binding, VB.NET, DataBindingDownload
HowTo: Bind controls' properties to each other in VB .NETbinding, data binding, VB.NET, DataBinding, properties, propertyDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to get lots of information about an Access databaseADOX, information, database, AccessDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to compact an Access databaseDAO, compact, database, AccessDownload
HowTo: Use a bound DataGrid in VB.NETDataGrid, binding, bind, bound, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use IIF in a SQL SELECT statement to make a DataReport display a warning if a value is too low in VB.NETDataReport, VB.NET, IIF, warning, CrystalReportViewer, CrystalReport, CrystalReportsDownload
HowTo: Use IIF in a SQL SELECT statement to display a warning if a value is too low in VB.NETDataGrid, binding, bind, bound, VB.NET, IIF, warningDownload
HowTo: Display query results in a bound grid controldatabase, bound controls, gridDownloadBook
HowTo: Use IIF in a SQL SELECT statement to make a DataReport display a warning if a value is too lowIIF, SQL, SELECT, database, warning, DataReportDownload
HowTo: Use IIF in a SQL SELECT statement to display a warning if a value is too lowIIF, SQL, SELECT, database, warningDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to copy data from a CSV file into an Access databaseDAO, CSV, Access, delimited, database, data, SELECTDownload
HowTo: Make a PictureBox control that has a bindable FileName property in VB .NETbind, data, bindable, PictureBox, NamedPictureDownload
HowTo: Deter an SQL injection attackSQL injection, attack, hacker, data, safeDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to search for a string in database table and field namesdatabase, search, table, field, DAODownload
HowTo: Use DAO to make an Excel report on an Access database's structureAccess, database, DAO, Excel, index, relation, tableDownload
HowTo: Use ADO.NET to make an Excel report on an Access database's structure in VB.NETAccess, database, ADO.NET, Excel, index, relation, table, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to list database properties and their valuesDAO, database, property, database property, database propertiesDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to set, get, and delete database propertiesDAO, database, property, database property, database propertiesDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to display a database's structure in a TreeView controldatabase, DAO, structure, TreeViewDownload
HowTo: Compare different methods for using DAO to find recordsdatabase, DAO, index, key, Seek, FindFirstDownload
HowTo: Display weekly database data with the calendar controlcalendar, weekly, databaseDownload
HowTo: Count the records in a Recordset two ways and compare their speedsrecords, count records, ADODownload
HowTo: Determine how many records were inserted by an INSERT ... SELECT statementADO, data, database, Access, INSERT, INSERT SELECT, SELECT, records, INSERT INTO ... SELECTDownload
HowTo: Use a password protected phone database with DAODAO, password, database, password protected databaseDownload
HowTo: Define a program's queries in text filesdata, database, query, configurationDownload
Bug: Access uses # to delimit dates while SQL Server uses quotesSQL, Access, database, dateBook
HowTo: Use ADOData controls to and a DataGrid control to display master/detail datamaster/detail, master, detail, ADOData control, DataGridDownload
HowTo: Graph data in a database using MSChartMSChart, graph, database, chartDownload
HowTo: Build master/detail records using an auto-incremented keymaster/detail, master, detail, autoincrement, auto-increment, autonumber, auto-numberDownload
HowTo: Use Data controls to display master/detail datamaster/detail, master, detail, data controlDownload
HowTo: List the tables in a database by using DAOdatabase, table, list tables, DAODownload
HowTo: List the ODBC system DSNsDSN, ODBC, databaseDownload
HowTo: Manually import a delimited text file into a databasedatabase, import, delimited fileDownload
HowTo: Refresh a DataReportDataReport, refreshDownload
HowTo: Build a DataReport using a program-created RecordsetDataReport, RecordsetDownload
HowTo: Build a hierarchical DataReport using a program-created Recordsethierarchical DataReport, RecordsetDownload
HowTo: Perform field- and form-level validationsfield, form, validationDownload
HowTo: Create a DSN in code using an ActiveX DLLDSN, database, ActiveX DLLDownload
HowTo: Let the user select and edit a database table in a DBGrid controlDBGrid, edit database, edit tableDownload
HowTo: Create a DSN in codeDSN, databaseDownload
HowTo: Export a database file into a text file using DAOdatabase, export, text file, dataDownload
HowTo: Use ADO to read a database's structuredatabase, structure, TreeView, DataGrid, schemaDownload
HowTo: Count the records in a database tabledatabase, table, count recordsDownload
HowTo: Display one field with a DBCombo control but update another when the user changes the valueDBCombo, update fieldDownload
HowTo: Populate ListBoxes from three related Access tables and display TreeView data when records are selecteddatabase, TreeView, master/detailDownload
HowTo: Use the DataGrid control to display master/detail relationshipsmaster/detail, DataGrid, databaseDownload
HowTo: Let the user select database records using a ComboBoxComboBox, database records, selectDownload
HowTo: Connect a DataReport to an ADO RecordsetDataReport, ADO, RecordsetDownload
HowTo: Use the DBGrid control's BeforeUpdate eventDBGrid, BeforeUpdate, validationDownload
HowTo: Make a database with a password and then open it with DAOdatabase, passwordDownload
HowTo: Use an unbound DBGrid controlDBGrid, unbound, unbound dataDownload
HowTo: Use a TabStrip to manage multiple DBGrid controlsDBGrid, tabDownload
HowTo: Use a DBList controldatabase, DBListDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to add records to a databasedatabase, DAO, add record, insert recordDownload
HowTo: Print data from a databasedatabase, printDownload
HowTo: Save and display images in a database using a PictureBoxdatabase, image, picture, PictureBoxDownload
HowTo: Display images with file names stored in a databasedatabase, image, picture, filename, file nameDownload
HowTo: Save and restore pictures in a database using ADO with AppendChunk and GetChunkdatabase, AppendChunk, GetChunkDownload
HowTo: Build an HTML table from a databasedatabase, HTMLDownload
HowTo: Use a bound DBGrid controlDBGrid, bound DBGridDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to create a databasedatabase, ADOX, create databaseDownload
HowTo: Use DAO to create and delete tablesDAO, database, table, CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLEDownload
HowTo: Use DAO and SQL to create and drop database tablesSQL, DROP TABLE, CREATE TABLEDownload
HowTo: Create a Recordset and attach it to a DBCombo controlDBCombo, Recordset, bound column, ADO, database 
HowTo: Use Zlib and DIBs to save and restore compressed pictures in a database without using temporary filesDIB, picture, image, database, SetDIBits, GetDIBits, Zlib, compressDownload
HowTo: Use DIBs to save and restore pictures in a database without using temporary filesDIB, picture, image, database, SetDIBits, GetDIBitsDownload
Tutorial: Dynamic Databasesdatabase, dynamic, priceBook
Bug: SQL UNION fails in XP before SP 1SQL, UNION, Windows XP, SP 1, Service PackBook
Bug: SQL statements must use mm/dd/yyyy date formatSQL, database, date format, mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyyBook

Data Control

Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use ADOData controls to and a DataGrid control to display master/detail datamaster/detail, master, detail, ADOData control, DataGridDownload
HowTo: Reset a DataGrid control when the data to which it is bound changes in VB .NETDataGrid, database, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Bind a ComboBox to a database lookup table in VB .NETdatabase, ADO.NET, VB .NET, bound controls, data binding, ComboBox, lookup tableDownload
HowTo: Bind simple controls to a database in VB .NETdatabase, ADO.NET, VB .NET, bound controls, data bindingDownload
HowTo: Navigate a database with bound controls in VB .NETnavigate, database, bound control, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use Data controls to display master/detail datamaster/detail, master, detail, data controlDownload
HowTo: Use a database with a Data controlData control, databaseDownload
HowTo: Use the Data control with a password protected Access 2000 databaseData control, Access, password, DAODownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use IIF in a SQL SELECT statement to make a DataReport display a warning if a value is too low in VB.NETDataReport, VB.NET, IIF, warning, CrystalReportViewer, CrystalReport, CrystalReportsDownload
HowTo: Refresh a DataReportDataReport, refreshDownload
HowTo: Build a DataReport using a program-created RecordsetDataReport, RecordsetDownload
HowTo: Build a hierarchical DataReport using a program-created Recordsethierarchical DataReport, RecordsetDownload
HowTo: Write a report in PDF formatPDF, Adobe, reportDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Create a DSN in code using an ActiveX DLLDSN, database, ActiveX DLLDownload
HowTo: Create a DSN in codeDSN, databaseDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Bind a collection of objects to a DataGrid in VB .NETDataGrid, bind, data binding, collectionDownload
HowTo: Bind a collection of objects to a DataGrid and let it sort on the columns in VB .NETDataGrid, bind, data binding, collection, sort, IEditableObject, IBindingListDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use ADOX to get and set the description of a column in an Access databaseADOX, ADO, column description, AccessDownload


Title Keywords  
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the table columns in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic .NETADOX, Access, database, table, column, table columns, search columns, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the table columns in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic 6ADOX, Access, database, table, column, table columns, search columns, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the tables in an Access database and give their types in Visual Basic .NETADOX, Access, database, table, table type, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the queries in an Access database and give their command text in Visual Basic .NETADOX, Access, database, query, command text, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the queries in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic .NETADOX, Access, database, query, command text, search query, VB.NETDownload
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the queries in an Access database and give their command text in Visual Basic 6ADOX, Access, database, query, command text, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Use ADOX to search the queries in an Access database for a string in Visual Basic 6ADOX, Access, database, query, command text, search query, Visual Basic 6Download
HowTo: Use ADOX to list the tables in an Access database and give their types in Visual Basic 6ADOX, Access, database, table, table type, Visual Basic 6Download

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