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TitleConnect an ADO Recordset to an XML file located at a URL
DescriptionThis example shows how to connect an ADO Recordset to an XML file located at a URL in Visual Basic 6.
KeywordsADO, Recordset, XML, URL, Web, data, Access
CategoriesDatabase, Internet
Thanks to James Hansen.

First, create an XML file containing the data in ADO's saved XML format. When you click the "Make XML File" button, the program uses the following code to make such an XML file. It opens an ADO Recordset connected to a normal Access database file. It then creates an XML DOMDocument object and calls the Recordset's Save method, passing it the DOMDocument to save the Recordset's data into the document. It then calls the DOMDocument object's Save method to write the document's XML data into a file.

Private Sub cmdMakeXmlFile_Click()
Dim db_name As String
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim dom_document As DOMDocument

    ' Get the database's name.
    db_name = txtDatabase.Text

    ' Open the connection.
    Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
    conn.ConnectionString = _
        "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
        "Persist Security Info=False;" & _
        "Data Source=" & db_name

    ' Open the Recordset.
    Set rs = conn.Execute("SELECT * FROM Books ORDER BY " & _

    ' Save the data into a DOMDocument.
    Set dom_document = New DOMDocument
    rs.Save dom_document, adPersistXML


    ' Save the XML data into an XML file.
    db_name = Replace$(db_name, ".mdb", ".xml")
    dom_document.Save db_name
    MsgBox "Now move the XML file to a HTTP site."
End Sub
After you create the XML file, copy it to your Web server. (For testing purposes, you can also connect to the document on your file system.)

Then when you click the "Get XML Data" button, the program uses the following code to read the XML data from the URL where you copied it. It creates a Recordset and opens it, indicating the URL as the data source. The program then loops through the Recordset, displaying its data.

Private Sub cmdGetXmlData_Click()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim i As Integer

    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
    rs.Open txtUrl.Text, "Provider=MSPersist;", _
         adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

    rs.MoveLast ' Can find little errors that can crop up.

    Debug.Print "********************"
    Do Until rs.EOF
        For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
            Debug.Print rs.Fields(i) & " ";
        Next i

    MsgBox "Ok"
End Sub
Note that generally you will want to make the XML file read-only on your Web server so people running such a program can read it but not midify it.

For information on using XML in Visual Basic .NET, see my book Visual Basic .NET and XML.

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