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TitleDisplay solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic .NET
DescriptionThis example shows how to display solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic .NET.
Keywordsalgorithms, games, graphics, mathematics, example, example program, Windows Forms programming, Visual Basic .NET, VB.NET
CategoriesAlgorithms, Algorithms, Puzzles and Games

This example displays the solutions to the puzzle Puzzle: find the equilateral triangles in Visual Basic .NET. This program uses the following code to define the puzzle's 25 solutions.

' Define the solutions.
Solutions = New List(Of Integer())()
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {0, 2, 3})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {0, 3, 1})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {1, 3, 4})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {2, 5, 6})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {2, 6, 3})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {3, 6, 7})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {3, 7, 4})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {4, 7, 8})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {5, 9, 6})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {6, 9, 10})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {6, 10, 7})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {7, 10, 11})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {7, 11, 8})

Solutions.Add(New Integer() {0, 5, 7})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {1, 6, 8})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {3, 9, 11})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {10, 2, 4})

Solutions.Add(New Integer() {5, 10, 3})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {2, 7, 1})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {6, 11, 4})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {8, 3, 10})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {4, 6, 0})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {7, 9, 2})

Solutions.Add(New Integer() {0, 9, 8})
Solutions.Add(New Integer() {1, 5, 11})
You can find these solutions manually by looking at the puzzle's dots, although some of the solutions are fairly non-obvious, or you can write a program to find the solutions for you. The example Find solutions to the equilateral triangle puzzle in Visual Basic .NET program finds the solutions.

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