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Misc Algorithms
Steganography articlesFollow this link and then search for "steganography."
MATH-abundanceLots of tutorials and links to interesting and useful mathematical sites. Cubix equations, complex numbers, matrices, vector spaces, Linear transformations, etc.
Earl F. Glynn's Mathematics PageLots of links to interesting mathematical sites.
The Four Color TheoremThis page explains a new proof of the four-color theorem (any map can be colored with only four colors). This page provides an outline of the proof and some interesting details.
Reducing the MapThis page explains a key step in finding four-colorings of graphs.
Kempe TransformationsThis page explains a second key step in finding four-colorings of graphs.
Joseph Culberson's Graph Coloring PageLinks to graph coloring resources.
Games on Graphs: The Degree/Diameter ProblemGames on Graphs provides some relatively simple lessons that make graph theory interesing for kids.
Four-Color Theorem with April Fool's jokeInformation on the four-color theorem including an April Fool's joke posted by Martin Gardner in 1975.
Using Direct3D with VBAn introduction to using Direct3D for higher performance three-dimensional graphics.
Brad Appleton's Patterns and Software: Essential Concepts and TerminologyDesign patterns.
Michael Trick's Operations Research PageSearchable operations research site.
Stefano Lonardi's pattern matching pointersPattern matching. Look at the bottom for articles, journals, and software.
SearchingMinimax, heuristics, simmulated annealing.
Thomas Niemann's sorting and searching cookbookSorting and searching algorithms in C++.
Numerical algorithmsNumerical algorithms written in pseudocode.
Assorted algorithms 
Algorithm Workbench Project GroupProject to translate pseudocode into C.

To suggest a link, email me giving the link's URL, title, category (Visual Basic, Misc Algorithms, etc.), and a one or two sentence description.

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