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Visual Basic Graphics Programming
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Part One: Working with Windows

1. Visual Basics
This chapter covers Visual Basic graphics fundamentals such as coordinate systems, handling Paint events, graphical controls, creating scrolled windows, and basic colors.
2. Using the API
This chapter explains how to use the Windows API in Visual Basic programs. It also describes many API functions that are useful in graphics programs.
3. Advanced Color
Chapter 3 describes more advanced color topics including different color models, device-independent and device-dependent bitmaps, and color palettes. The more bitmap-oriented parts book later assume you are using higher color modes such as 24-bit color. This chapter describes color palettes for completeness.
4. Advanced Text
Chapter 4 covers advanced text operations such as finding text metrics to learn exactly how big a font is, and how to use the CreateFont API function to build stretched, compressed, and rotated text (6K GIF).
5. Printing
This chapter explains how to use the Printer object to produce high-resolution printouts. It explains how to print, display a print preview, handle multi-page documents, and scale objects to fit the printer nicely. It also includes code that lets you easily print a form much as PrintForm does, only in high resolution.

Part Two: Image Processing

6. Point Processes
This chapter explains image processing techniques including that manipulate an image one pixel at a time. These methods include image averaging (33K GIF), adjusting an image's brightness, contrast, or color balance, and compositing (50K JPG).
7. Area Processes
Chapter covers image processing techniques thaht manipulate areas in an image. These methods include spatial filtering to smooth, sharpen, or emboss (80K GIF) an image. This chapter also describe rotation (18K JPG) and shape-disorting (27K JPG) image transformations.

Part Three: Animation

8. Bitmap Animation
Chapter 8 explains the fundamentals of bitmap animation. It shows how to use several different methods for presenting images quickly enough to create smooth animation.
9. Advanced Animation
Chapter 9 tackles more advanced animation topics. It describes different ways you can control an animation such as scripting, simulation, and sprites. It also describes specialized animation techniques such as tweening and morphing (4K JPG).

Part Four: Two-Dimensional Graphics

10. Fractals and Tilings
As its title implies, this chapter describes fractals and tilings including random trees (5K GIF), animated snowflakes (3K GIF), Hilbert curves (4K GIF), gaskets (4K GIF), the chaos game (10K GIF), the Mandelbrot set (28 KB, 46 KB, 49 KB), and Julia sets (12 KB, 13 KB, 17 KB). Using these programs you can build intricate images with remarkably little code.
11. Drawing Curves
Chapter 11 shows how you can draw several useful kinds of curves. It explains how to draw parametric curves such as Bowditch curves (4K GIF) and cycloids (6K GIF). It also shows how to fit a curve to data using Hermite, least squares, and Bezier curves (3K GIF).
12. Two-Dimensional Transformations
This chapter explains a simple way to represent two-dimensional transformations that allow you to perform important operations such as scaling, translating, and rotating objects in a uniform way. Chapter 12 also describes shape-distorting transformations (8K GIF).

Part Five: Three-Dimensional Graphics

13. Three-Dimensional Transformations
This chapter extends the two-dimensional transformations described in Chapter 12 into three dimensions. It explains how to display simple three-dimensional objects (3K GIF).
14. Surfaces
Chapter 14 explains several different ways to generate and display surfaces including fractal surfaces (9K GIF), parametric surfaces (4K GIF), and surfaces of transformation (3K GIF). By adding a little color, you can make surprisingly realistic landscapes (30K GIF).
15. Hidden Surface Removal
Three-dimensional images are easier to understand if hidden surfaces are not displayed. Chapter 15 shows how to remove hidden surfaces from both simple (4K GIF) and complex (5K GIF) three-dimensional scenes.
16. Shading Models
Shading models add extra realism to three-dimensional images. This chapter builds a complex shading model to produce more realistic pictures (16K GIF). It also explains the Gouraud (10K JPG) and Phong (10K JPG) methods for smooth shading.
17. Ray Tracing
Ray tracing allows a program to draw reflective and transparent objects. Chapter 17 develops an advanced ray tracing system to display fascinating images. This chapter covers:

Part Six: Beyond Three Dimensions

18. Higher-Dimensional Transformations
Chapter 18 extends the transformations described in Chapters 12 and 13 into higher dimensions. This allows a program to display four-dimensional objects (4K GIF), and even objects of higher dimensions. This chapter explains how to use animation to make higher-dimensional images understandable.
19. Mathematical Tools
This chapter describes some useful mathematical formulas that calculate geometric values such as the distance between two points, between a point and a line, between two lines, and between a point and a plane. Chapter 19 reviews matrix and vector operations, and shows how to derive the locations of the vertices in the Platonic solids (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron).
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