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TitleSearch for files matching a pattern and show their sizes and total size
DescriptionThis example shows how to search for files matching a pattern and show their sizes and total size in Visual Basic 6. This example uses the FindFirstFile, FindNextFile, and FindClose API functions.
Keywordsfile, size, search, pattern
CategoriesFiles and Directories, Utilities, API
The program uses the FindFirstFile, FindNextFile, and FindClose API functions to find files matching the pattern. It adds each file's name and size to a ListBox and keeps track of the total size.
Private total_size As Double

' List all files below the directory that
' match the pattern.
Private Sub ListFiles(ByVal start_dir As String, ByVal _
    pattern As String, ByVal lst As ListBox)
Const MAXDWORD = 2 ^ 32

Dim dir_names() As String
Dim num_dirs As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim fname As String
Dim attr As Integer
Dim search_handle As Long
Dim file_data As WIN32_FIND_DATA
Dim file_size As Double

    ' Get the matching files in this directory.

    ' Get the first file.
    search_handle = FindFirstFile( _
        start_dir & pattern, file_data)
    If search_handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then
        ' Get the rest of the files.
            fname = file_data.cFileName
            fname = Left$(fname, InStr(fname, Chr$(0)) - 1)
            file_size = (file_data.nFileSizeHigh * _
                MAXDWORD) + file_data.nFileSizeLow
            If file_size > 0 Then
                lst.AddItem start_dir & fname & " (" & _
                    Format$(file_size) & ")"
                total_size = total_size + file_size
                lst.AddItem start_dir & fname
            End If

            ' Get the next file.
            If FindNextFile(search_handle, file_data) = 0 _
                Then Exit Do
        ' Close the file search hanlde.
        FindClose search_handle
    End If

    ' Get the list of subdirectories.
    search_handle = FindFirstFile( _
        start_dir & "*.*", file_data)
    If search_handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then
        ' Get the rest of the files.
            If file_data.dwFileAttributes And DDL_DIRECTORY _
                fname = file_data.cFileName
                fname = Left$(fname, InStr(fname, Chr$(0)) _
                    - 1)
                If fname <> "." And fname <> ".." Then
                    num_dirs = num_dirs + 1
                    ReDim Preserve dir_names(1 To num_dirs)
                    dir_names(num_dirs) = fname
                End If
            End If
            ' Get the next file.
            If FindNextFile(search_handle, file_data) = 0 _
                Then Exit Do

        ' Close the file search handle.
        FindClose search_handle
    End If
    ' Search the subdirectories.
    For i = 1 To num_dirs
        ListFiles start_dir & dir_names(i) & "\", pattern, _
    Next i
End Sub
If you double-click a file in the ListBox, the program uses the ShellExecut API function to open the file.
' Open the double-clicked file.
Private Sub lstFiles_DblClick()
Dim file_name As String
Dim pos As Integer

    ' Remove the file's size.
    file_name = lstFiles.Text
    pos = InStrRev(file_name, " (")
    If pos > 0 Then file_name = Left$(file_name, pos - 1)

    ShellExecute Me.hwnd, "open", file_name, _
        vbNullString, vbNullString, SW_SHOWNORMAL
End Sub
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