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TitleProvide print preview with different scales
DescriptionThis example shows how to provide print preview with different scales in Visual Basic 6. It uses a single drawing routine to draw either on a PictureBox or on the Printer object.
Keywordsprint, print preview, scale
CategoriesGraphics, Controls
The program uses a single routine, DrawPrintout, to draw on either a PictureBox or on the Printer object. This routine takes as a parameter the object on which it should draw. In this example, the routine draws some text, a rectangle, and a bitmap.
' Draw the printout on prn, either a PictureBox
' or the Printer.
Private Sub DrawPrintout(prn As Object)
    ' Make the object use 10 point Courier New.
    ' It is likely to be available on both the
    ' printer and in PictureBoxes.
    prn.Font.Name = "Courier New"
    prn.Font.Size = 10
    prn.DrawWidth = 4

    ' Draw a 1" by 3" square in the upper left.
    prn.Line (0, 0)-(3, 1), , B

    ' Center the text within the square.
    prn.CurrentX = (3 - prn.TextWidth(Text1.Text)) / 2
    prn.CurrentY = (1 - prn.TextHeight(Text1.Text)) / 2
    prn.Print Text1.Text

    ' Copy the smiley face bitmap onto prn.
    prn.PaintPicture SmileyPict.Picture, 0, 1.25
End Sub
To display a print preview, the program passes the DrawPrintout subroutine a hidden PictureBox. If then displays the preview form.
' Display a print preview.
Private Sub mnuFilePrintPreview_Click()
Dim wid As Single
Dim hgt As Single
    ' Make PreviewForm.HiddenPict behave as much
    ' like the Printer as possible.

    ' Make it 8.5" by 11" in real size.
    wid = PreviewForm.ScaleX(8.5, vbInches, _
    hgt = PreviewForm.ScaleY(11, vbInches, _
    PreviewForm.HiddenPict.Width = wid
    PreviewForm.HiddenPict.Height = hgt

    ' Make it use the same scale as the Printer.
    PreviewForm.HiddenPict.Scale (-1, -1.5)-(7.5, 9.5)

    ' Draw the preview onto the hidden PictureBox.
    DrawPrintout PreviewForm.HiddenPict

    ' Display the preview form.
End Sub
The preview form displays the preview image at different scales by sizing the preview PictureBox appropriately and then using PaintPicture to copy the full-scale hidden picture onto this PictureBox.
' View at scale 1 / Index.
Private Sub mnuSetScale_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
Dim wid As Single
Dim hgt As Single

    ' Check the selected menu scale item.
    mnuSetScale(1).Checked = False
    mnuSetScale(2).Checked = False
    mnuSetScale(4).Checked = False
    mnuSetScale(Index).Checked = True
    ' Make PreviewPict the correct size.
    wid = (PreviewPict.Width - _
        PreviewPict.ScaleWidth) + _
        HiddenPict.Width / Index
    hgt = (PreviewPict.Height - _
        PreviewPict.ScaleHeight) + _
        HiddenPict.Height / Index
    PreviewPict.Move 0, 0, wid, hgt

    ' Copy the hidden picture into PreviewPict.
    PreviewPict.PaintPicture HiddenPict.Image, _
        0, 0, _
        PreviewPict.ScaleWidth, _
End Sub
To create a printout, the program calls subroutine DrawPrintout, passing it the Printer object.
' Print the document.
Private Sub mnuFilePrint_Click()
    ' Draw the printout onto the Printer object.
    DrawPrintout Printer

    ' Send the printout to the printer.
End Sub
To keep things simple, this example is not very fancy. My book Advanced Visual Basic Techniques shows how to make a much fancier preview including preview at multiple scales and scrolling through the preview image.
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