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TitleDraw a bar gauge
Keywordsbar gauge
Use a PictureBox control. When the form loads, give the PictureBox an interesting background.
Private Dragging As Boolean
Private NeedleX As Single
Private BarWidth As Single
Private BarHeight As Single

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
Dim clr As Integer
Dim dclr As Single
Dim hgt As Single

    ' Give the slider an interesting background.
    Picture1.ScaleMode = vbPixels
    dclr = 256 / Picture1.ScaleWidth
    hgt = Picture1.ScaleHeight
    For i = 0 To Picture1.ScaleWidth
        clr = i * dclr
        Picture1.Line (i, 0)-(i, hgt), RGB(0, 0, clr)
    Next i

    ' Save some useful values for later.
    BarWidth = Picture1.ScaleWidth
    BarHeight = Picture1.ScaleHeight

    ' Prepare Picture1.
    Picture1.DrawMode = vbInvert
    Picture1.DrawWidth = 2
End Sub
In the PictureBox's MouseDown event handler, start the drag. If there is a line on the PictureBox, draw it again in invert mode to erase it. Then update the line's position and draw it again.
Private Sub Picture1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As _
    Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Static done_before As Boolean

    Dragging = True

    ' Erase the previous line if there is one.
    If done_before Then
        Picture1.Line (NeedleX, 0)-(NeedleX, BarHeight)
        done_before = True
    End If

    ' Update NeedleX.
    NeedleX = X
    If NeedleX < 0 Then
        NeedleX = 0
    ElseIf NeedleX > BarWidth Then
        NeedleX = BarWidth
    End If

    ' Draw the new line.
    Picture1.Line (NeedleX, 0)-(NeedleX, BarHeight)
    ' Display the value.
End Sub
In the MouseMove event handler, erase the previous line and draw a new one.
Private Sub Picture1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As _
    Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    If Not Dragging Then Exit Sub

    ' Erase the old line.
    Picture1.Line (NeedleX, 0)-(NeedleX, BarHeight)

    ' Update NeedleX.
    NeedleX = X
    If NeedleX < 0 Then
        NeedleX = 0
    ElseIf NeedleX > BarWidth Then
        NeedleX = BarWidth
    End If

    ' Draw the new line.
    Picture1.Line (NeedleX, 0)-(NeedleX, BarHeight)

    ' Display the value.
End Sub
In the MouseUp event handler, stop dragging.
Private Sub Picture1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As _
    Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    Dragging = False
End Sub

Private Sub DisplayValue()
    Label1.Caption = _
        Format$(CInt((NeedleX / BarWidth) * 100))
End Sub
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